The school, named after local boy Hodgson, is Lancashire’s oldest mixed secondary school. It was officially opened during a ceremony on Saturday 12th November 1932, at 3.30pm. A framed photograph of Alderman Hodgson was unveiled, which remains in the school’s possession today.
The original school consisted of a hall, on the site of the present one but smaller, and had six classrooms. There was also a woodwork room, science lab, gardening room, epidiascope (large projector) room, library, domestic science room and art room.
The land between the old school and the railway was the playing field, accommodating football, hockey and athletics. The school also had an orchard, vegetable gardens and separate boys’ and girls’ yards. On Hodgson’s opening, there were seven members of staff and 193 pupils (compares with 107 and 1,125 respectively today).
The first staff meeting was held on 13th September 1932, to discuss the school colours and a badge.