Hodgson's Reading School Drive
Reading is one of the most crucial aspects of a child’s development and so we’re pleased that at Hodgson Academy we will be reading for up to twenty minutes every day, in form time, after the October half term. Students will be exposed to a vast array of literature tailored to their individual year group which will inspire and nurture a love of reading that they will take with them throughout their lives.
Hodgson is a Reading School, where conversations about reading for learning are commonplace and all students are provided with reading opportunities in all lessons.
As well as this, we are encouraging personal reading for enjoyment which takes place in form time at least once a week. Students are also expected to read aloud in many classes to develop speaking and comprehension skills.
Other initiatives to promote reading include the following:
- Reading ambassadors are recruited
- Students are encouraged to read at least three books annually
- Reading awards are given out in assemblies
- National Poetry Day and World Book Day are celebrated in school, with author visits and workshops
- A brand new library will open after the first half-term, in Oct 2020
- The launch and development of our Online Library
- A reading award is given to a student in each House at the end of every academic year
Research has proved without any doubt that ‘every hour spent reading is an hour spent learning to write’ and conversely every hour spent avoiding reading causes the word-poor to become poorer.
What separates students is the vocabulary and knowledge that they have. Reading addresses both of these key aspects of education, whilst also improving so many other facets of a child’s development including memory, focus and concentration, confidence and also social skills.
More recently, the EEF Literacy report stated that:
‘Young people who leave school without good literacy skills are held back at every stage of life. Their outcomes are poorer on almost every measure, from health and wellbeing, to employment and finance.’
Thus reading and literacy are of paramount importance at Hodgson Academy.