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CEIAG - Advice & Guidance

Hodgson Academy recognises that it has a statutory duty to provide impartial and objective Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) in Years 7 to 11. CEIAG at Hodgson is seen as an integral part of the holistic curriculum, which is available for every student.

CEIAG enables the students to make impartial, informed, balanced and appropriate decisions about many key areas of their future development, progression and career pathway. CEIAG is evident in the many strands covered in Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE) and, as such, is delivered predominantly through this curriculum entitlement. CEIAG is also delivered through our curriculum subjects and in progress tutor time to meet the needs of our learners at Hodgson Academy. It is the belief of the academy that CEIAG be delivered in an objective and balanced manner by all staff so that each student receives exactly the same opportunities. CEIAG at Hodgson Academy is completely impartial and it enables students to explore potential pathways.

In addition to this, it is also the philosophy of the academy that any advice or guidance given to students will be personalised and appropriate. Hodgson Academy also believes that working with outside agencies is an invaluable part of the CEIAG curriculum on offer and historical tracking of student progressions beyond Hodgson Academy has proved this to be successful. It is worth mentioning here that Hodgson Academy does not favour one Further Education institution and thus gives all providers an equal opportunity to provide current information to the students.

Aims of CEIAG

  • To equip students with the necessary decision making skills about future progression and their destination when they leave Hodgson Academy.
  • To provide students with current information on courses at Key Stage 3, 4 and 5.
  • To give opportunity for maximum exploration of future careers including work experience opportunities where possible.
  • To decrease the possibility of students making incorrect transition choices.
  • To understand how the ‘world of work’ works.
  • To keep up-to-date with new careers emerging from technological advances.
  • To ensure students have a positive experience of IAG.
  • To ensure all Year 11 students have at least one post-16 pathway guaranteed when leaving Hodgson Academy.
  • To ensure students are tracked beyond Hodgson Academy and that they do not become NEET (not in education, employment or training).
  • To ensure students are well equipped for the next stage of their education, training or employment.
  • To ensure all PP/SEND students receive further impartial and independent guidance from an external Careers Advisor.

Through our robust CEIAG program at Hodgson Academy, 99.6% of our students in the 2019/20 Academic year progressed onto education or employment with training upon their graduation.  A truly outstanding achievement!

Contact Information

We have shared with you an example of the work we do with young people and careers.  For further information as a parent, student or employer, please contact the Hodgson Academy Careers Leader Mrs L Foley, Assistant Headteacher (PSHE and SEND).

Tel: 01253 882815

Useful links