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Independent Study and Homework

“The evidence shows that the impact of homework, on average, is five months' additional progress.”

Educational Endowment Foundation report, April 2020.

Homework is essential to successful learning in many subjects. It challenges students to practice what has been learnt in class. It provides opportunities for self-discovery, helping students to acquire greater knowledge and understanding. It trains our students to develop effective private study habits outside of school and become independent enquirers, one of the key skills needed for further education and the world of work.

Homework can be made up of a variety of tasks. These include consolidation, preparation, research, extension work and reflection. Homework activities may build up over time to develop an extended piece of written work or a project.

How long should my child spend on homework?

It is the Academy’s policy that all students are set homework appropriate to their age and ability. The rationale behind homework assignments is that any extended learning opportunity should be meaningful, enjoyable and support their learning. As there will be a wide variety of tasks set by teachers, the amount of time students spend on homework will vary. However, a general guide to what would typically be expected is set out below. If your child is usually spending either far more time than this or far less, please contact your child’s Form Tutor to discuss any support which may be required.

Year 7 & 8: 45 to 90 minutes per day
Year 9: 60 to 120 minutes per day
Year 10 & 11: 90 to 150 minutes per day

All homework tasks and the date they are due are recorded on Arbor. Students are also expected to make a written record in their planner.