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At Hodgson Academy, we offer a challenging, stimulating, broad and balanced curriculum model, with a strong, academically rich set of subjects at its core. Our Key Stage 3 is built around the National Curriculum which gives our students the foundation of knowledge they need to move into Key Stage 4. We have an ambitious curriculum for all learners, with all subjects and all qualifications open to all students. The curriculum is structured around an ethos of equity and inclusivity for all and empowers our students to know more, remember more and do more. Our teaching philosophy complements this and allows all students to aspire to the top of the attainment range in a supportive environment which exudes high expectation for all and from all students, developing a life-long love of learning.

Hodgson Academy – Key Stage 3

In Key Stage 3, all students are taught an exceptionally broad offer: all students study history and geography, and two languages are delivered in Key Stage 3. We also have a bespoke curriculum offer in communication studies, promoting oracy and the spoken word, as well as increasing the confidence of our students. Students arrive from primary school and are taught what it means to be a part of the Hodgson community, allowing our culture and ethos to permeate through their understanding of the school.

All Students at Hodgson will study: 
ENGLISH Students study English for seven hours over two weeks in Years 7 & 8, and eight hours over two weeks in Year 9.
MATHEMATICS Students study Mathematics for seven hours over two weeks across Key Stage 3.
Students study Science for seven hours over two weeks in Years 7 & 8, and eight hours over two weeks in Year 9.
Students study MFL for five hours over two weeks across Key Stage 3.
Students study History for four hours over two weeks across Key Stage 3.
GEOGRAPHY Students study Geography four hours over two weeks across Key Stage 3.
Students study RPE for two hours over two weeks which covers and expands on statutory Religious Education.
Students study Communication Studies for two hours over two weeks in Years 7 & 8 only.

Students study Technology for three hours over two weeks across all of Key Stage 3.

Students study Art for one hour over two weeks in Year 7 with two hours over two weeks in Years 8 and 9.
MUSIC & PERFORMING ARTSStudents study these subjects for two hours over two weeks across Key Stage 3.
Students study ICT/Computing two hours over two weeks in years 7 and 9 with one hour over two weeks in year 8.
Students study PE for four hours over two weeks in Years 7 & 8 and three hours over two weeks in Year 9.
Students study PSHE for two hours over two weeks across Key Stage 3.

Hodgson Academy – Key Stage 4

Our Key Stage 4 begins in Year 10. Each curriculum area, and our subject specialists, are provided with the time necessary to deliver subjects in the depth required for a strong understanding of each specialism. All students study a language, a humanity, and have two free choices so they will complete nine full qualifications by the time they leave Hodgson Academy in Year 11. There are no barriers to options and all students from all abilities are able to choose whichever qualification they wish. We feel our options suite of subjects provides students of all interests with a broad curriculum choice and offers a range of GCSE and vocational options to meet the needs for all learners.

All Students at Hodgson will study: 

Students will study English for ten hours over two weeks in Years 10 and 11. This will lead to two qualifications: GCSE English Language &GCSE English Literature.


Students will study Maths for 10 hours over two weeks in Year 10 and 8 hours over two weeks in Year 11.This will lead to one qualification: GCSE Mathematics.


Students will study Science for ten hours over two weeks in Years 10 and 11 This will lead to two qualifications: GCSE Dual Award Science (students can opt to choose to do separate Sciences and achieve three qualifications, but this will take up optional curriculum time).


Students will study at least one humanities subject and receive four hours over two weeks throughout Key Stage 4.

This will lead to at least one qualification: GCSE History and/or GCSE Geography.


Students will study at least one Modern Foreign Language and receive four hours over two weeks in Year 10 and six hours over two weeks in Year 11.

This will lead to one qualification: GCSE French or GCSE German.


Students will study two other qualifications of their choice, each for four hours over two weeks.

This will lead to two more qualifications.

These qualifications may be some of our GCSE subjects or our vocational qualifications. 


Students will complete two hours over two weeks of core PE in Years 10 and 11. 
Students study PSHE for two hours over two weeks across Key Stage 4.
Students will complete for two hours over two weeks throughout Key Stage 4.


Qualifications available at Hodgson Academy

Subject Qualification Type
Art, Craft and Design GCSE 
Business GCSE 
Computer Science
Creative iMedia
Cambridge National
Food Prep. & Nutrition
Religious StudiesGCSE
Physical Education
Performing Arts
BTEC Tech Award
Design and Technology
Art Textiles
Triple Science
Cambridge National
Health & Social Care
Cambridge National

At both Key Stage 3 and 4 we recognise that careers education and guidance form an important part of the curriculum. Careers education runs from Year 7 through to Year 11, with opportunities for students to find out about a variety of options post-16 as well as having interactions with both employers, providers and former students to inspire and inform their choices. We also offer a work experience programme in Year 10. Resources are available in the Library for independent research and a careers advisor provides one to one advice for our Key Stage 4 students. The Gatsby Benchmarks are being embedded to ensure the highest standards of careers education for every student at Hodgson Academy.

Further Information

Further information regarding curriculum provision at Hodgson Academy can be obtained by contacting Miss Buckley.
Alternatively, if your query is subject specific, the following people may be more suitable:

Miss J Wallace
Head of English, Music and Performing Arts
Miss A Kirk
Acting Head of Mathematics
Mr T Rimmer
Acting Head of Science
Mrs R Bates Head of MFL
Mrs L Foley Head of PSHE
Miss M Hutchinson Head of PE
Mrs K Reece
Head of Humanities
Mr A Smith
Head of Business, Technology and Art
Mr M Huntbatch
Computer Science and iMedia Coordinator
Miss C Richardson
Coordinator of Communication Studies