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7Y1 Short Stories

This is a collection of creative writing that the students in 7Y1 have worked tirelessly on this term. Their pieces are personal, powerful and at times comedic. The pieces are raw, sometimes unpolished, but it is the rough nature of these words that spoke to the students the most. Together we have discovered a new love for writing and observed other ways literature can shape our lives. It has not been an easy journey. Our process of drafting and redrafting has been tedious. But the students, as they say themselves, have “conquered the English Language.” The most important part of this process was that students wrote pieces that they were most proud of, with the objective to find the personal in literature. Colloquialisms are common within these pieces, but we found that these words often held the most significance.

Year 7, It has been a privilege to watch you grow this term. I hope this project gave you the space to make sure your words are always heard.

Miss Richardson

Click the link below for the stories.
