Admissions (New year 7 intake for September)
Lancashire County Council manages admissions on behalf of Hodgson Academy.
Full details are provided on the Lancashire County Council webpage ‘apply for a secondary school‘ and details about the admission criteria and process are available in the Secondary school admissions in North Lancashire (PDF).
The Academy received the following applications for the 225 places available for new Year 7 admissions in September 2024:
- 1st preference – 264
- 2nd preference – 277
- 3rd preference – 206
- Total preferences received – 747
Additional Information
Student admissions at any time other than for the new year 7 admission process for the start of a new academic year are dealt with directly by the academy. Further information is obtainable from Mrs J Hardy, the Headteacher’s PA. The same over-subscription criteria, as outlined in our Admissions Policy, continues to apply.
An application for a place at Hodgson Academy at any time other than for the new year 7 admission process for the start of a new academic year, can be made using the application form here
Appeals (New Year 7 September Intake)
Lancashire County Council acts on behalf of the academy in respect of admissions and appeals. If your child has not been granted a place at Hodgson Academy and you wish to appeal then there will be a formal process to follow.
The Appeal Form can be found at the following web address
If you have any difficulties in accessing the Appeal Form then please contact Mrs J Hardy, the Head of Schools PA.
Key Appeal Dates
- Applications - Monday 17th April
- Proposed Hearing Dates - 15th to 19th May
When you are advised of the decision, you should be advised of the contact details in relation to appeals – if not then please get in touch with us and we will forward the necessary details to you.
If an appeal is unsuccessful, there are certain circumstances when the Education ans Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) will listen to complaints with regards to admission appeal panels.
In-year Admissions
Student admissions at any other times other than the new year 7 admissions process are dealt with directly by the academy. Any applications for the intake made after the start of the autumn term will be treated as an in year application. Further information is obtainable from Mrs J. Hardy, the Head of School's PA. The same oversubscription criteria as outlined in our admissions policy continues to apply.
An application for a place at Hodgson Academy at any time other than for the new year 7 admissions process for the start of a new academic year can be made using the application form below. Where a place cannot be secured, parents will be offered a legal right of appeal to an independent appeals panel. The in year appeal form can be found below. Completed appeal forms should be directed to Mrs J. Hardy, the Head of School's PA at the school or email using the link below.
Moving Residence
In Year Admission Form
In Year Appeal Form
Appeals Notes of Guidance