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Success & Results

Exam Results 2021

Congratulations to the Class of 2022!

Hodgson extends its warmest congratulations to our Year 11 students who have received their GCSE results this year. The grades you have achieved reflect the hard work and resilience you have shown throughout your time at Hodgson, and each and every grade is richly deserved. There are a great number of individual success stories to celebrate, and we thank you all for being such a wonderful year group to work with. We also thank your parents and carers; without their support and perseverance none of the achievements announced today would have been possible1

We look forward to celebrating the achievements of the Class of 2022. Until then, we wish you all the very best of luck as you move on the next stage of your lives and education. We hope you will always carry a part of Hodgson with you.

If you would like to see further details regarding exam performance at Hodgson and how this compares to other schools locally and nationally over the last three years, please visit the DfE website via the below link.

DfE Compare School Performance – Hodgson Academy

You can also view further details regarding the destinations of students who left Hodgson three years ago, and how this compares to other schools locally and nationally.

DfE Pupil destinations – Hodgson Academy

2018/2019 Results - these performance measures are not current. Results from 2019/20 will not be published by the Department for Education

Progress 8 Score


Attainment 8 Score


% of pupils achieving 5+ in Maths & English


% of students entering EBacc


EBacc subjects average point score
