Student Council, Ambassadors & Prefects
Students in all years are able to become involved in the academy’s very active Student Council. Two students from each form group are elected to act as representatives, which meets each half term to discuss all aspects of academy life.

Students become actively involved in whole-school fundraising events and, as a result, significant sums of money have been raised for local and national charities in recent years.
At Hodgson Academy students have the opportunity to get involved in numerous leadership roles; from year 7 onwards students can become House and Sports Captain, these roles provide opportunities to demonstrate responsibility and organisation skills as well as enable students to collaborate with students from different year groups.
Students can also become Peer Mentors in year 8, Reading Mentors in years 8 and 9, Deputy Prefects in year 10 and Prefects or Senior Prefects in year 11. Staff then vote for the prestigious Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl post. In year 11 Senior Prefects and House Captains take on additional roles such as Peer Mentoring and working with younger students to ensure well-being both academically and emotionally whilst at Hodgson.
By offering leadership roles and responsibilities to Hodgson students we are embedding the Academy ethos of CARE as well as the Academy Aims of enabling students to grow into confident, resilient and respectful young people