The academy dining rooms are first-rate, modern facilities for students and staff. The canteens serve nutritious foods, cooked in healthy ways.
Breakfast is available in the Hot Pot Dining Room from 8.15am until registration and assembly at 8.35am
A variety of healthy snack foods are available at morning break - Breaktime is 10.45am - 11.00am.
Lunches are provided on a cafeteria basis. There are two dining rooms at Hodgson: The Express Café and The Garden Diner which offer a variety of main meals and desserts. Lunchtimes are currently during Period 4 and are staggered between year groups to reflect the current school re-opening arrangements.
Year 7 - 12.00 pm - 12.35 pm Hot Pot Diner
Year 8 - 12.55 pm - 1.30 pm Hot Pot Diner
Year 9 - 12.00 pm - 12.35pm Garden Diner
Year 10 - 12.55 pm - 1.30 pm Garden Diner
Year 11 - 12.00 pm - 12.55 pm Garden Diner
Information on our catering provision can be found in the downloads section. Please contact the Academy should you wish to discuss any dietary requirements or have any allergen concerns.
Price reviews are normally undertaken for the start of each academic year
Students can pay into their catering account by cash or by cheque payable to Blackpool Catering Services (please write student name and their Form on the reverse of any cheque) or through parentpay.